joi, 8 august 2019

Make Money and Build Passive Income With Writing

I remember struggling at school with my English classes. I did 'O' Level and 'A' level English before spending a year studying classic English literature. I struggled because I couldn't always see the point of all the detail and grammar classes. It seemed a bit obvious to me. Why am I telling you all this? 30 years later I make money online writing on my websites. I also write for other internet marketers and website owners. NOW I see the point of all those English lessons. I also appreciate that a well turned phrase can make people continue to read. Poor and unimaginative writing will never capture the interest of people reading.

How I make money and build passive income with writing.

On the internet your writing has to be able to attract a website visitor in the first few seconds. Assuming you can do this then you can use your writing to create webpages that keep visitors on the page and reading your information. Your written information will lead the website visitor to take the action that you want. This could be making a purchase from the page, Clicking on an affiliate link or just leaving your website through an AdSense click. The point about all your written material on the internet is that once you have written it and put it out there it will continue to work for you.

Huge Content Brings Huge Passive Income

The upshot of this is that the more content you put on your websites the more traffic you will have. Your content will always be working for you and as you increase the amount of information and content you have written the more passive your income. On the days and weeks you do nothing and add nothing to your content you will still have a good passive income generating for you.

miercuri, 24 iulie 2019

How to Make Passive Income From Home Online

Most people "enjoy" a linear type of income meaning that they trade their time for dollars. That is okay in the beginning but it is much better to have money working for you. Keep reading to learn how to make passive income.

To me, the best way to accomplish this goal is by using the internet. It has a lower barrier to entry than real estate and a shorter learning curve than trading stocks.

I will now list a few ways you can accomplish this:


A few years back it was a lot harder to set up a blog than it is today. Now it is just a matter of installing it once and you are good to go. If you are a non techie you can always get someone to help you out.

Once you are set up it is just a matter of logging in and sharing your passions. You can blog about a specific hobby or perhaps a certain cause that you believe in.

After awhile you will start attracting visitors to your blog. They may come through search engines, other links, and even word of mouth.

You can then recommend products and services through an affiliate program related to the niche you are blogging about. You can also place ads on your site and earn revenue that way.

If you are consistent your blog will eventually take on a life of its own. You can then offer a spot for guests to post articles too limiting the amount of work you put in. If you really want to know how to make passive income, this is a great way to do it.

Niche Marketing

You can research smaller topics and make mini sites dedicated to each topic. You then optimize them for the search engines and you will start getting a good amount of targeted visitors.

The secret is not to pick a topic that is too broad but not something too small either. This is where the Google Keyword Tool comes in handy.

Find keywords with at least 3,000 global searches and 20,000 or less in competition (using quotation marks). It might take a little while to find keywords like this but trust me, it works!

You then purchase a domain name and set up a simple 5 page site with your keyword phrase in each article title. Make sure they are all closely related.

sâmbătă, 22 iunie 2019

Creating Passive Income

Personal growth is like everything else, it takes time and dedication. This time can be hard to come by working 12 hours a day. So I wanted to take this opportunity to talk to you about what you are doing versus what you could be doing. Right now you are probably working your tail off trying to support yourself and your family. Going to that 8-7 job can be a huge grind on you and your loved ones. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you put yourself through that? I bet when you do ask yourself that the next question your inner self asks is "what else can I do?"

Well, you could keep grinding yourself down year after year, you keep going to the same job day after day, doing the same thing hour after hour and then start the process over again. Or, you could go a different route and that route is creating passive or strings of income. Supporting yourself doing the things you love isn't as hard as you might think.

Let me first explain a passive income. Imagine if you will a thread and the thread is over a bottle. We can fill up the bottle by letting water drip down that thread into the bottle one drip at a time. It is a very slow process but looking at the positive side, we are indeed making some progress. But, what if we added another thread and did the same thing? Now we have two strings and we are adding twice as much water as we were before. So to get the bottle filled up we just need to keep adding more and more strings until we have a nice flow. That is strings of passive income and great financial opportunity.

Don't get me wrong, we have to have little worker bees out there and we always will. There will always be people who just go along the same path as everyone else. I will never frown or look down on these people because they are the reason I can do what I do. They will never venture off and they will always stay the course they were raised to head. . But people like you and I think differently. Some people may say we are lazy, I disagree. I simply say we are better than that.

When you talk to friends and family about strings of income most will say doing that is pretty risky. Hmmm, let me share a scenario with you. So you decide you are going to take the safe route of life. You are going to get that 9-5 job and collect that steady $1,000 a week paycheck. You have a nice house, nice cars and everything is great. One day you go to your 9-5 job to find out you have been down sized. You just lost every source of income you had just like that. Now, being logical does that sound to you? Does that sound like a safe plan to you? You have put all your eggs in one basket and the basket broke.